Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Home » Boris Faure: Finding his True Vocation

Boris Faure: Finding his True Vocation

It was quite by chance that Boris Faure became the technical leader of a team of twelve engineers in the beginning of 2016, two years after his arrival at Scality. At that time, a project in which Boris was deeply involved had just been cancelled by the leadership. Boris, who wanted to understand their decision, demanded an explanation and then he in turn explained to his colleagues why they had to move on to a new project. This role of ”spokesperson” suited him so perfectly that he was quickly asked to be the technical leader of the team, and he accepted.

For Boris, who is normally discrete and not very talkative, it was quite a revelation. “I like to talk to my coworkers and listen to their difficulties so we can find solutions all together and move in the same direction,” he confides. In his team, Boris is really appreciated for his self control and his way of easing tensions calmly. It’s certainly not by chance that Boris was also recently elected as employee representative.

In his new role, Boris never hesitates to express his opinion to the management. When there is a problem, he immediately reports it whilst also suggesting ideas to resolve it. He is also one of the first to propose new ideas to help improve Scality’s software. At the moment, he is thinking up new methods of testing the software’s features before they are installed at the clients, and he is brainstorming with the other teams in order to carry out this project.

Today, Boris is really happy in his position. “What I enjoy about my job is that I feel like my voice is heard so that I can influence the way our product is growing, while at the same time I can  continue working on challenging and exciting projects,” he concludes.

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