243 Everyone at Scality just spent a weekend on the beautiful Normandy Coast, in Deauville, France. We stayed at the beautiful Hotel Barriere Le Royal, where the company hosted a retreat and summit for all Scality team members. It was three days of fun, sharing team spirit, meals, and sports. The rain, strong wind, and cold temperature couldn’t stop us! We held a massive beach volleyball tournament and nearly everyone in the company played. Yes, it was really rainy and cold, but we came together and had a great time and played some great volleyball Later, we played music together, told stories, and shared some of our favorite songs. Saturday night, we celebrated and recognized individual success and team accomplishments during the past year. The Le Club awards are essentially the Scality “Awesome Awards,” where exceptional contributions are recognized. This year, 24 people from across the company joined Le Club. More highlights: We had a dance club night, a Mario Kart competition, and many people played golf, biked, or went horseback riding. Several people even went kayaking in the rain! It was truly a weekend where Scality’s diverse teams could come together and get to know one another and relax. To top it off, we had our very own film festival. (The town is known for the annual Deauville American Film Festival.) For me, it was a great time, where I was able to meet a lot of people with whom I have been working. Product and Sales Team Planning in Paris Each January, people from our 7 offices and remote teams gather for strategy meetings. These “kick offs” allow our teams to align on vision, direction, and goals. This year, our Paris office hosted multiple teams, including kick offs for engineering, sales, and leadership. These kick off events are an annual tradition at Scality, and help our teams unify on culture, sales efforts, and product planning. They’re some of the best weeks of the year. Sales Kick Off 2018 with our worldwide sales and product team What is the Scality Spirit? Much like famous rock bands, the Scality spirit is the embodiment of being inspired, creating something meaningful from nothing, working hard, being determined to succeed, and constantly challenging ourselves to reach the top and stay ahead. This spirit is ours, and we are committed to quality, being respectful and ethical, and putting our customers first. Internally, we also focus on helping each other do our jobs better. We Advocate Camaraderie What does it mean to advocate camaraderie at Scality? We share our passions We eat, work and play together We are benevolent We don’t tolerate politics We support each other True camaraderie is possible when people work closely together. Mutual trust, and friendship, are byproducts of working together. Coming together in one time zone helps us collaborate better, and work efficiently. On a daily basis, I’ve seen this around the company with helpful ideas shared on our HipChat board, in the office, and over email. The people at Scality are some of the friendliest, and most creative I’ve ever worked with. In the American television show, The Office, Michael Scott opines: “the people that you work with are, when you get down to it, your very best friends.” That’s true for me, at Scality. Interested in joining Scality? We have a number of great positions open, right now! Or, visit our new Customers page, which highlights some of Scality’s super cool customers. Photo credit: Frank Roesner