429 Scality’s still a relatively young company, but we’ve now marked our first decade of serving customers with significant data challenges. And in a testament to our innovation, we’ve just been awarded a new U.S. patent for our unique snapshot methodology. In the past 10 years, we’ve seen some significant challenges on behalf of our customers and we’ve been able to solve these with our RING scale-out file and object storage solution. Among others, these include: A travel services customer who writes one petabyte of new data each day to RING, while simultaneously providing read access for a large number of Splunk indexers.A financial services customer who writes 400TB per day into a RING data lake, with a secondary site for disaster protection, which means 400TB is written and replicated each day.A service provider with over 220 billion objects and growing in a single RING, who has had 100% uptime of the service for a decade.A major brand name content provider that stores all daily video content produced on RING and RING replicates this content simultaneously to over 15 cloud endpoints in AWS, Azure and Google for CDN services.A major government intelligence service that entrusts more than 100PB of highly secure surveillance data to its RING deployment At Scality, we endeavor to instill our customers the trust that they can bank on our solutions for the long-term.This is underpinned by our goal of building solutions that are adaptive and sustainable. Data storage is a mission critical IT technology domain, and accordingly, our innovation and technology is focused on five core technical pillars: 100% software solutions to provide hardware independence and future proofing.Hyperscale distributed solutions that grow without limit, and are inherently rendant to provide incredible resiliency.Advanced data protection methods: Scality was a pioneer in providing self-healing, erasure-coding and advanced capabilities including file system and object storage versioning, data immutability and volume protection. Advanced data availability methods: Scality delivers innovations in multi-site storage that provide continuous data availability under all conditions, including site (data center failures) with zero RPO and RTO, and with the lowest possible storage overhead to make 100% available solutions affordable to customers.Multi-cloud data management: Scality was the first to introduce a multi-cloud data management software solution (Zenko), which is today leveraged across Scality’s products and in third-party storage and cloud solutions. The patent we’ve just received is for our proprietary methodology around snapshot capabilities. Snapshots are a traditional method of data protection in most NAS file systems.The challenge for snapshot implementations at larger scale is to keep them fast, accessible and space efficient. The underlying management and tracking needed for each snapshot is complex, creating overhead in both space, CPU consumption and time. That’s one reason why (in most NAS systems) snapshots haven’t been applicable for truly high-scale file systems. Most snapshot technology works well for use cases such as user directories or shared folders — typically in the range of thousands to tens of thousands of files — but it’s rare to see NAS file systems with millions or billions of files. The frequency of snapshots also tends to be quite sparse, typically with policies that take daily and weekly snapshots but purge more granular and longer-term ones. The important breakthrough in our patent is that Scality has figured out how to make snapshots work at cloud-scale, with millions to billions of files in a file system, and enable an essentially unlimited number of snapshots. This makes snapshot technology useful in the new world of high capacity data requirements. Data protection that can now be used for file systems into the petabytes and beyond, billions of files and beyond, which hasn’t traditionally been possible with NAS systems Our technology innovation, IP and patents must translate to tangible business benefits and that’s why we continue to evolve our technology in response to market demands. We ensure these solutions are proven in production and at extreme scale. We’re delivering real-world benefits in simplification, value and cost savings through adaptive and sustainable solutions that let our customers take their data safely into the next decade and beyond.