Thursday, September 19, 2024
Home » Scality keeps serving customers during COVID-19 pandemic

Scality keeps serving customers during COVID-19 pandemic

Dear Customers, Partners and Friends,

This is yet another Covid-19 message. I know you are receiving too many of these, and yet thought it was important that we share with you how we are organizing ourselves to continue serving our customer and partner community.

First of all, we are all safe, and we hope that you, your families and your teams are safe as well. Please stay safe. On that note, I want to thank all of the healthcare workers and those working in government and public health organizations all around the world who are going the extra mile to fight this pandemic. I sincerely hope that everyone who receives this email, and your families and friends, are in good health right now – and sheltered.

As a company, Scality has been encouraging our employees to work from home and to stop travel since March 2nd. As we are a globally-distributed organization, the Scality team is used to working remotely, whether that means across multiple office locations, from home offices, or from ‘the road.’ Our transition to this full ‘work from home’ model has gone smoothly, and we are confident we will be able to continue serving our customers well. We ask your collaboration in this practice by allowing us to participate in planned meetings, training or installations remotely. Please do not cancel meetings or other on-site visits that you have scheduled with us unless you absolutely need to do so, as it would create a risk for your infrastructure and a spike of activity post-crisis that we may not be able to deliver to. Our employees are trained for remote operations and will deliver the same quality of interaction remotely that they would face-to-face.

Most of you, our customers, depend on Scality software for mission-critical services. For more than half of our customers, the pandemic makes Scality software even more critical for your activity. We are here to stand by you and make sure that our software continues to deliver the outstanding reliability and steady performance that it is known for.

We are expecting some disruption in the hardware supply chain in the coming weeks. Please, if you are seeing usage higher than usual, and you are at risk of running out of capacity in the next 6 months, contact your local support representative so that we can work with you on how to best prepare for the situation.

Should you have any further questions, please contact your local team, or me, personally.

Most importantly, please protect yourselves, your loved ones, and your community from the spread of this virus by respecting social distancing recommendations. We wish you good health and strength as we all battle this pandemic.

Jérôme Lecat, CEO.

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