208 Following the impressive OpenStack Summit last month in Atlanta, Scality took advantage to be there to present the RING as the Foundation of an OpenStack Compute environment. Scality started to contribute and support OpenStack with the Grizzly release – April 2013 – and since that, Cinder API is supported. More recently, Scality started to develop a Swift integration to complement the storage approach. The idea is to support all OpenStack storage requirements with the Scality data storage platform with a native OpenStack API integration. The following snapshot illustrates a Cinder volume created on the RING, exposed via the Cinder API to Nova available to be attached to a VM. CRN just published an interesting article with 10 storage products for OpenStack. You’ll see on page 8 a brief Scality description of the solution. Please visit http://www.crn.com/slide-shows/storage/300072935/10-storage-products-for-openstack-clouds.htm.