202 Scality staff pool their resources to create an office library to share, inspire and discuss ideas. Here is one book on the office reading list. SIMON SINEK’S START WITH WHY During the 2019 kick off in Portugal, Emilio Roman SVP was asked to recommend one book for 2019. Since then, many colleagues have shared their copy in a variety of languages. In his book, Sinek discusses the importance of how companies must focus on their “Why.” People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe. At the genesis of Scality, its founders started with one key axiom. A guiding principle that would be at the centre of its ethos and remain consistent with its why. As Scality continues to navigate the change in technology developing next generation Hybrid Cloud solutions, its Why has remained its pole star in a ‘sometimes’ turbulant sea of change: “Work hard, play hard, eat well & amaze the customer”. Sinek believes that gaining a clarity of “Why” is not the hardest part. The hardest part is the discipline to trust one’s gut over outside advice and to stay true to a cause or belief. A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other. According to Emilio, our “Why” does not come from looking at what we plan to achieve in the future, or even where we have been, but where we centre ourselves on a daily, monthly and yearly basis. By remaining true to their Why, Scality safeguards its future while promoting a healthy, inspirational and growth mindset for its family as they continue to amaze their customers. https://simonsinek.com/product/start-with-why