243 I had to look it up, but the TiVo first came to market in 1999. To me, that was the beginning of what we see today. Sure, there were VCRs and DVDs before then, but nothing before the TiVo allowed you to so simply and easily change how you watched television shows. Streaming was still primitive and very low quality. Peer-to-peer was popular among the geek set (me), but far from mainstream, and mainly for smaller files like music. Flash forward to today. * “Traditional TV” is being overwhelmed by a blizzard of alternatives. * Time shifting is now the norm among millenials. * Online channels dwarf conventional channels for viewership and match the largest cable channels (HBO). * Mobile channels are matching conventional channels for viewership * Multi-platform increases overall audiences across the platform * Access to screens, even among tablets, is approaching 500M – TVs still leads with 5.5 billion people having access to TVs * All this translates to massive increases in digital traffic and storage.